What We Do

Our mission is to empower believers everywhere to become living examples of the love of Jesus Christ.

We do this by providing training, accountability, and financial resources to local pastors and believers to do the work of the gospel through living by example.

The three areas we focus on are mercy ministry (Matthew 25:40), evangelism (Acts 1:8), and discipleship (Matthew 28:19).

We believe that the most appropriate and powerful context for these activities is the local congregation of believers. Unfortunately, in many areas of the world resources are so scarce that it makes it practically impossible for a local pastor to actually provide for his flock both physically and spiritually. This is where we come in.

We provide accountability, pastoral training, discipleship materials, evangelistic tools, as well as “seed to sow” (2 Cor 9:10) in local mercy ministry. We want this to be done by and through the local congregation with their focus on demonstrating the love of Jesus in practical and life-changing ways.

Our goal is to provide everything a believer needs to become a living example of the love of Jesus Christ in their community.