
We want to encourage you to pray for the body of Christ. In your community, in your region, in your nation, and throughout the earth.

Many areas of the world are suffering. We live in a broken world full of sin and despair. Throughout the world, there is religious persecution, desperate poverty, hunger, and every manner of oppression. Please pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer. Please pray for the lost and desperate sinners who do not know the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Please pray that God will use you to bring His light into your community, your region, your nation and to the ends of the earth. Amen!

We pray that you will embark on a journey of sanctification. A journey of transformation. That you will be transformed into the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. That you may go to the broken and the hurting people around you, and that Jesus will give you His hands to hold them, His word to feed them, and His heart to love them. Amen!

Please use the resources on this site to develop a strategic and focused prayer life. Prayer is powerful, and prayer is essential if we want to become living examples of the love of Jesus Christ.

On this site, you will find many resources to help guide your prayers to some of the most desperate places on earth.