Go and Do

We want to empower every believer to become a living example of the love of Jesus Christ. We believe every christian should be actively engaged in mercy ministry, evangelism, and disciple making.

We desire every Christian to seek the Lord’s plan for them to glorify His name. We believe the most appropriate place for these activities to take place is in the local congregation. We are not designed to go out alone. We must unite with other like minded believers if we are to be fruitful for the kingdom.

If you need a place to start we would encourage you to start small group focused of one of these areas….. Mercy Ministry, Evangelism, or Discipleship. The Lord tells us if we are faithful with a little we can be trusted with a lot (Luke 16:10). Start where you are and build your ministry as the Lord leads you.

Once you are ready to branch out into your community there are so many opportunities all around us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the morning, minister to the widows and the orphans, visit the prisoners, and bring hope to the hopeless. Just remember you are not a one man or woman army, God designs us to work together. If you are not plugged into a faithful bible believing church that should be your first step.

Once you are actively engaged in ministry on a regular basis, God will reveal the plans He has for you. Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (NLT)

Please use the resources on this website to help you to reach out to the lost and broken people all around you. If you feel God is leading you to work directly with us or if there is anything we can do to help you bring glory to God please contact us.